Cheer Schedule

Tentative Schedule 2022-23 Cheer Season

This being our first year to have a cheer team, this schedule is subject to change. We will do everything we can to keep the dates the same, but we may have to change some of them.

We understand everyone has busy schedules and we want to accommodate everyone’s activities, but we simply cannot do that. We have to schedule practices around our coach and her availability.

March 27th – Cheer interest meeting. 

April 15th -Need letter of commitment signed for the 2022-23 season and $50 deposit.

May 1st- Uniform fitting/team building and cost of uniform payment due $358.96. 

May 19th- Team building fun day

May 31st-June 2nd- Mini camp #1  6 pm-9 pm

June 13th  and June 27th  practice 6 pm-8 pm.

July 10th-12th Mini camp #2  6 pm-9 pm. Final payment of $141.03 is due for cheer.

July 25th- practice 6 pm -8 pm. 

August and September practice dates will be determined based on the skills the girls have learned and retained from summer practices. We will have practices, but the number of practices will be decided on by the coach and what she feels they need to be ready for the season. We will also be able to look at schedules and try to take those into account for the fall school and sport year. We will have evening practices due to the coaches schedule.

We do not have the Varsity football schedule yet, but I will share that as soon as I have it. Looking back at previous seasons, DasCHE Spartans usually has 5-6 home games at their home field at 525 Ashford Lane, Midlothian, TX 76065. We will travel to most away games.

Holly Murphy (972) 672-6356

Becky Jackson (817) 253-1093