Basketball FAQ

DasCHE Spartans Homeschool Basketball
Home Gym:
The Duncanville Fieldhouse
1700 S Main St, Duncanville, TX 75137



How is our organization structured and are there Shareholders or Members?
The DasCHE Spartans Sports Organization was formed in 2017 as a Texas non-profit organization, managed by the founders of the organization. The Directors are Bryant Wray and Jeff Cannon.  There are no members or shareholders. As such, we are not required to have shareholder or board meetings. We are a volunteer run organization to provide an outlet for homeschool sports.
Each sport under the DasCHE Spartans Sports Organization umbrella has their own management team, helping to effectively manage that sport.

How was basketball started and who is on the Management Team?
DasCHE Spartans basketball was started in 2011 by Bryant and Sherry Wray, along with two other families whose children have all graduated. Several families have graciously served on our committee over the years. Currently, our Sports Management team is Bryant and Sherry Wray, Bryant serves as a Director and Sherry as the head girls coach, Jeff and Melissa Cannon, Jeff as a Director and boys head coach and Melissa as Treasurer, Scheduler and Administration, and Gina Obudo as volunteer coordinator. Our current Management team has tenure with our organization. The Wrays and Cannons have been with us since the first season, and Gina Obudo since the second season. The Management team is appointed by the Directors. When members of the team resign, the directors have the option to fill their vacancy but may choose not to.

Who are the Head Coaches?
Jeff Cannon is the head of the DasCHE basketball boys’ program. He oversees coach recommendations and placement of the boys’ teams. In the case of a conflict with coaches or players, first follow the Athletic Handbook guidelines for conflict resolution. If there are still concerns, contact Jeff Cannon.
Sherry Wray is the head of the DasCHE basketball girls’ program. She is currently the Varsity girls’ Head coach and oversees coach recommendations and placement of the younger girls teams. In the case of conflicts with coaches or players among the girl’s teams, first follow the Athletic Handbook guidelines for conflict resolution. If there are still concerns, contact Sherry Wray.

How are coaches selected?
Team coaches are vetted and appointed by the Head Coaches. Coaching placement by the Head Coaches have the full support of the Management Team.  At times these coaches may be parents and at times they may not be. The decision ultimately is made by the Head Coaches.  Any changes made to the coaching staff will be made by the Head Coach, with Management Team support.  All coaches complete a coach application and background consent form.
Our organization’s expectations of our coaches can be found in the DasCHE Spartans Athletic Handbook.

Can an athlete play on more than one team?
An athlete can play on the team that he/she is age eligible for and on an older team if invited. This will
be an agreement between coaches, parents and the athlete. This can be a tricky situation in
tournaments, and days when multiple teams play, so ultimately the coaches should decide as to what
team the athlete will play on.

How are team sizes determined?
There may be times when the number of players exceeds what seems reasonable for a single team.
When a team has more than 10 players, it becomes a consideration of the head coaches and
management team to divide the teams into a blue and white team. The blue team is the more skilled
team and the white team is the more developmental team. When scheduling opponents for these
teams, the skill level will be taken into consideration.

Do players receive equal playing time?
Equal play time for each player is not guaranteed. We are a competitive organization. Our overall
win/loss record, especially homeschool games, determine our seeding at the District, Regional, and
National Homeschool Tournaments.

How does Spartans Basketball communicate with players and parents?
We realize in today’s society, there are multiple options for communication outlets and individuals may
or may not be comfortable with each one. As a result, we utilize a variety of methods:
Google Calendar: Game and practice schedules are posted on a Google calendar. This is the most up to
date method of keeping track of game and practice schedules for each team. Information on
subscribing to the calendar can be found on our website.
Email: The administrator or other coordinator may send out a regular email detailing updates for the
week or upcoming volunteer needs.
GroupMe: Each team has a GroupMe account set up for communication within that team. The
GroupMe app can be found on the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and be downloaded for
***Coaches have the discretion to utilize other services as they see fit to relay information or game film
for review.

How can parents be involved?
We are a volunteer run organization. As stated in our Athletic Handbook, the backbone of homeschool
athletics is family help and support. Opportunities include: stats and clock keeping at games,
concessions, filming games, admission table at home games, and fundraisers. Our volunteer
coordinator will be contacting you, so please be eager to respond. Our organization will be only as
successful as you make it, so please do everything you can to help.

How are funds allocated?
Player fees are allocated to gym rentals for games and practices, referee costs, tournaments fees,
uniform replacements, some coaching fees, and skills camps. Player fees only cover about half of the
costs and the remaining costs are covered by fundraisers such as our Annual Tip-Off Tournament, Gate
fees, Concession stand at home games, Valentine’s Dance and other fundraisers.

Are the Management Team meetings open meetings?
The Management team generally meets before the season begins, mid-season and after the season
ends, unless there are emergency situations that arise. These management meetings are generally
closed meetings, but we are open to suggestions and concerns from parents. We are willing to address
issues brought to the management team once the conflict resolution process has been followed.

What are the basketball fees?
They are listed on our website,, and are evaluated at the end of each season.
These player fees are to be turned in to Melissa Cannon.

You have referred to the DasCHE Spartans Athletic Handbook more than once. What is that and
where can it be located?
The DasCHE Spartans Athletic Handbook describes our organizations general guidelines, policies, and
other expectations. It can be found on our website at
handbook. Each Parent and Athlete is expected to sign the Parent/Player Agreement Form located at
the end of the Handbook prior to participating in any DasCHE Spartans event.